“Debug your mobile apps directly on the mobile device with Hot Console.”
Mobile app developers can access the JavaScript console directly from within the app, or remotely using the Hot Console Remote Viewer cloud service (SaaS). This is an essential tool for mobile developers to debug apps in real-time as users are using it in the field.
How It Works
- Developers insert the MSE Hot Console plugin into the app before building and deploying to production.
- When the app is launched, it will register with the MSE cloud service API, provide its hardware ID, and checks whether Hot Console is remotely ENABLED/DISABLED for this hardware ID.
- If Hot Console is remotely DISABLED, debug logging will not be performed in the app, unless it is ENABLED later. It is best practice to stop active debugging for apps deployed to production.
- If Hot Console is remotely ENABLED, debug logging will be performed in the app and captured by Hot Console in the cloud service.
Because user data is being transmitted during app usage, Hot Console provides users with the ability to control the data transmitted by their app to MSE. This means, the user can override the Hot Console ENABLED/DISABLED setting for their device, regardless of the settings in the cloud. THE USER IS ALWAYS IN CONTROL OF THEIR DATA.
Privacy Laws, Data Protection Laws, User Preferences
- The cloud service receives the Hot Console data via secured and encrypted HTTP/REST API.
- The data is stored in a database by the hardware ID so that specific device data can be retrieved later by the developer.
- For Apple devices, the hardware ID is the UDID.
- For Android devices, the hardware ID is the Device ID.
- A developer launches Hot Console Remote Viewer to start debugging their app for a specific device.
- The Hot Console Remote Viewer provides a list of devices by hardware ID, make, model, operating system version, and geolocation.
- The developer selects from a list of devices to debug and ENABLE Hot Console for the chosen device. If Hot Console is already ENABLED, then the debug data will be shown automatically to the developer.
- As the user is using the app, it will frequently check whether HOT CONSOLE is ENABLED/DISABLED (either by the user or remotely).
- If ENABLED, it will send debug data in real-time to the cloud service API.
- If DISABLED, it will stop sending debug data to the cloud service API.